Are you an established member of your neighborhood? For instance, are you the go-to person when people need information on things like roofing services or the best dumpster rental services? Maybe you are brand new to your neighborhood and you are wanting to get to know people, to be a big part of your new community. With that purpose in mind, you might have volunteered to help plan your neighborhood's annual Fourth of July event. From planning activities to renting dumpsters, here are some ideas that might help your group to have a fun event that will be remembered for a very long time.
The Activities - Consider keeping some of the activities that are part of your neighborhood Fourth of July traditions. However, also think of adding some new activities that will surprise those who attend the neighborhood event. For example, your neighborhood might already have a parade where children get to decorate their tricycles and bicycles in red, white, and blue to ride through the streets. This year, consider finding individuals, maybe even outside of your neighborhood, who will drive their vintage cars as part of the parade. Let's say that your neighborhood has always had booths that offer things like hot dogs, watermelon, and popsicles. Also, this year consider also offering things like pizza slices and tacos-in-a-bag. Either way, keep the popsicles!
The Cleanup - It might be tons of fun to be on the committee that plans the annual cake walk or the fireworks display. However, just as important is the cleanup committee. Think of the debris that will accumulate during your neighborhood's Fourth of July event. Used napkins, popsicle sticks, soda cans, and more will probably be littered everywhere you look. Think of contacting a dumpster rental company. Rent several of them that will be placed in strategic locations, especially around areas where food will be eaten. For example, if your group has set up picnic tables, you'll probably want more than one rented dumpsters in the picnic area. Will you be renting portable bathrooms? Of course, set up rented dumpsters by the bathrooms so that things like dirty diapers can be properly disposed of. Consider putting up cute posters that say things like, Thanks For Cleaning Up Your Own Messes. Add happy face caricatures to the posters. The great part about renting dumpsters is that they'll come to you clean and sweet-smelling and they'll be picked up by the rental company in dirty condition.